Investigating Torch Web Browser
20/12/2021 Monday
Torch Browser is a web browser and an Internet suite developed by Torch Media. Torch is known for its media
grabber, where it provides users with high-speed audio and video downloading capabilities, its built-in
Torrent Manager, player, music, tons of free games, and the social media easy sharing feature. It is
available for desktop Windows (Win7, Win8, and Win10).
Digital Forensics Value of Torch Artifacts
Web browsers data can be critical to a digital investigation since they serve as a user's window and access
point to the World Wide Web and the rest of the world as well. Web browsers have become part of our daily
lives thus, they can reveal a significant amount of information about a user’s internet activities, synced
devices, and accounts. As it stores data of every website visited, every search conducted, every image
viewed, and so much more.
Location of Torch Artifacts
Torch Web Browser stores its files and folders at the following location:
C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Torch\User Data\Default
Structure of Torch Artifacts
The structure of files containing Torch web browser artifacts is SQLite Databases. Each contains multiple
tables with information regarding the users’ actions on the software.
Analyzing Torch Artifacts with ArtiFast Windows
This section will discuss how to use ArtiFast Windows to analyze Torch artifacts from Windows machines and
what kind of digital forensics insights we can gain from the artifacts.
After you have created your case and added evidence for investigation, at the Artifacts Parser Selection
Phase, you can select Torch artifacts:
ArtiFast can analyze Torch Autofill, Autofill Profiles, Bookmarks, Cache, Cookies, Credit Cards, Current
Session, Current Tabs, Downloads, Extensions, Extension Cookies, Favicons, History, Last Session, Last Tabs,
Logins, Shortcuts, Search Terms, Site Engagement, Top Sites, and Visits. For demonstration purposes, all
artifacts have been chosen but you have the option to parse artifacts individually as well.
Once ArtiFast parser plugins complete processing artifacts for analysis, it can be reviewed via “Artifact
View” or “Timeline View,” with indexing, filtering, and searching capabilities. Below is a detailed
description of Torch artifacts in ArtiFast software.
Torch Autofill Artifact
Torch Autofill contains all of the values that the user has
saved to fill in fields at a later date and time. The details you can view include:
- Creation Date/Time - The date and time when the autofill was created.
- Last Used Date/Time - The date and time when the autofill was used.
- Field Name - The name of the field to fill in.
- Field Value - The value typed by the user.
- Count - Indicates the number of times the input was used.
Torch Autofill Profiles Artifact
Torch Autofill Profiles contains profiles that are
used to represent a person. The details you can view include:
- Last Modified Date/Time - The last date and time a profile was modified.
- Last Used Date/Time - The last date and time a profile was used.
- Name - The name the person goes by or uses.
- Email - The email address of the person.
- Phone Number - Phone number of the person.
- Company - The company the person works at.
- Address - The person’s address.
- City - The city the person lives in.
- State - The state or province the person lives in.
- Zipcode - The zip code the person lives in.
- Country Code - The country the person lives in.
- Use Count - Number of times profile used.
Torch Bookmarks Artifact
Torch Bookmarks are the shortcuts to the favorite and
bookmarked webpages. It contains information such as:
- Added Date/Time - The date and time when the bookmark was added.
- Modified Date/Time - The date and time when the bookmark was modified.
- URL - The URL of the bookmarked webpage.
- Bookmark ID - The bookmark ID.
- Type - The type of the bookmark.
- Bookmark Title - The title of the bookmark.
- Thumbnail - The bookmark thumbnail.
Torch Cache Artifact
This artifact contains the cached entries in the Torch web
browser. Torch Cache information includes:
- Creation Date/Time - The date and time when the cached entry was created.
- Cache Entry Last Used Date/Time - The date and time when the cached entry was last used.
- Cache Entry Last Modified Date/Time - The date and time when the cached entry was last modified.
- Reuse Count - The number of times the use used the cache file.
- State - The state of the cache file.
- Key - Represents the profile picture URL.
- Content Size - The size of the cache file.
- Content Type - The type of cache file.
- File Name - Represents the cache file name.
- Payload - Indicates the cache storage location.
- Is Dirty - Indicates whether is dirty or not.
- Refetch Count - Indicates the number of times the cached entry was refetched.
- Long Key Data - Cache long key data.
- HTTP content - HTTP header contents.
Torch Cookies Artifact
Torch Cookies contains information about all of the cookies
saved to the browser such as:
- Creation Date/Time - The date and time when the cookies were created.
- Expiration Date/Time - The date and time when the cookies were last accessed.
- Last Access Date/Time - The date and time when the cookies will expire.
- Host - The host name of the cookies.
- Name - The name of the cookies.
- Value - The value of the cookies.
- Path - The path to the cookies.
- Is Secure - Indicates whether the connection is secure or not.
- Is HTTP Only - Indicates whether the browser supports HttpOnly or not.
Torch Credit Cards Artifact
Torch Credit Cards contains all of the credit card
information the user has saved. The details you can view include:
- Last Used Date/Time - The date and time when the credit card information was last used.
- Expiration Date/Time - The date and time when the credit card expires.
- Last Modified Date/Time - The date and time when the credit card information was last modified.
- Card Name - The name of the credit card holder.
- Origin - The origin of the credit card information.
- Card Number - The credit card number.
- Use Count - The number of times the card was used.
Torch Current Session Artifact
This artifact stores the browser's current available
active session information from Torch web browser such as:
- Date/Time Visited - The date and time when the webpage is visited.
- Tab URL - The URL of the webpage.
- Tab Title - The title of the webpage.
- Referrer URL - If the webpage was a redirect, this attribute indicates the URL of the webpage.
- Original Requested URL - Indicates whether a redirect took a place.
- Tab Id - The webpage tab Id.
- Tab Index - The webpage tab index.
- Transition Type - Describes the cause of the navigation to the desired URL.
- Transition Qualifier - Describes how the browser navigated to the desired URL.
- Has Post Data - Indicates whether the webpage has POST data.
Torch Current Tabs Artifact
This artifact stores the multiple open Tabs in the
current available active session information from Torch web browser such as:
- Date/Time Visited - The date and time when the webpage is visited.
- Tab URL - The URL of the webpage.
- Tab Title - The title of the webpage.
- Transition Type - Describes the cause of the navigation to the desired URL.
- Referrer URL - If the webpage was a redirect, this attribute indicates the URL of the webpage.
- Original Requested URL - Indicates whether a redirect took a place.
- Tab Id - The webpage tab Id.
- Tab Index - The webpage tab index.
- Transition Qualifier - Describes how the browser navigated to the desired URL.
- Has Post Data - Indicates whether the webpage has POST data.
Torch Downloads Artifact
Torch Downloads contains information about the downloaded
files from Torch web browser. The details you can view include:
- Start Date/Time - The date and time the download started.
- End Date/Time - The date and time the download ended.
- File Name - The name of the downloaded file.
- Path - The absolute path on the device to the downloaded file.
- Received Bytes - The downloaded bytes.
- Download Source - The file download URL.
- URL Chain - The file download URL chain.
- Total Bytes - The download total bytes.
- State - It indicates the state of the downloaded item (Download Complete, Download in
Progress/Paused, Download Failed and Download Interrupted/Cancelled).
Torch Extension Artifact
This artifact contains the extension information from Torch
web browser. The details you can view include:
- Installation Date/Time - The date and time when the extension was installed.
- Last Ping Day - The date extension was last pinged.
- Long Name - Name and short description of the extension.
- Short Name - The name of the extension.
- Description - The description of the extension.
- Extension Path - Indicates the extension installation location.
- State - Indicates whether the extension is enabled or disabled.
- Version Number - The extension version number.
- Installed By Default - Indicates whether it is installed by default.
- Installed By OEM - Indicates whether it is installed by OEM.
Torch Extension Cookies Artifact
Torch stores the cookies used by the extensions.
The details you can view include:
- Creation Date/Time - The date and time when the extension cookies were created.
- Expiration Date/Time - The date and time when the extension cookies were last accessed.
- Last Access Date/Time - The date and time when the extension cookie will expire if it was set to
- Host - The host name of the cookies.
- Name - The name of the cookies.
- Path - The path to the cookies.
- Value - The value of the cookies.
- Encrypted Value - The value of the cookies encrypted.
- Is HTTP Only - Indicates whether the browser supports HttpOnly or not.
- Is Secure - Indicates whether the connection is secure or not.
Torch Favicons Artifact
Torch Favicons stores all the small icons associated with a
particular webpage that the user has favorited. The details you can view include:
- Last Update Date/Time - The icon last update date and time.
- Page URL - The page URL.
- Icon URL - The Icon file URL.
Torch History Artifact
The Torch History artifact contains information about the
visited URLs from Torch browser profile. The details you can view include:
- Last Visit Date/Time - The date and time when the webpage was last visited.
- URL - The URL of the webpage.
- Title - The title of the visited webpage.
- Visit Count - The number of times that the user has visited the webpage.
- Typed Count - The number of times that the user has manually typed the web webpage URL.
- Is Hidden - Indicates whether the webpage is hidden.
Torch Last Session Artifact
This artifact stores the browser’s previous session
information from Torch web browser. The details you can view include:
- Date/Time Visited - The date and time when the webpage was last visited.
- Tab URL - The URL of the webpage.
- Tab Title - The title of the webpage.
- Transition Type - Describes the cause of the navigation to the desired URL.
- Referrer URL - If the webpage was a redirect, this attribute indicates the URL of the webpage.
- Original Requested URL - Indicates whether a redirect took a place.
- Tab Id - The webpage tab Id.
- Tab Index - The webpage tab index.
- Transition Qualifier - Describes how the browser navigated to the desired URL.
- Has Post Data - Indicates whether the webpage has POST data.
Torch Last Tabs Artifact
This artifact stores the multiple open tabs in the
browser's last session from Torch web browser. The details you can view include:
- Date/Time Visited - The date and time when the webpage was last visited.
- Tab URL - The URL of the webpage.
- Tab Title - The title of the webpage.
- Transition Type - Describes the cause of the navigation to the desired URL.
- Referrer URL - If the webpage was a redirect, this attribute indicates the URL of the webpage.
- Original Requested URL - Indicates whether a redirect took a place.
- Tab Id - The webpage tab Id.
- Tab Index - The webpage tab index.
- Transition Qualifier - Describes how the browser navigated to the desired URL.
- Has Post Data - Indicates whether the webpage has POST data.
Torch Logins Artifact
This artifact stores a user’s login information. The details
you can view include:
- Creation Date/Time - The date and time when the data was stored.
- Action URL - Login URL of the website.
- Origin URL - Origin page URL.
- Username Element - Username HTML element.
- Username - The username value.
- Black Listed - Indicates that the password is not saved for this item.
- Password Element - Password HTML element.
- Password - The password value.
- Signon Realm URL - The Sign on realm URL.
- Times Used - Number of times used.
Torch Search Terms Artifact
This artifact stores the user entered search terms. The
details you can view include:
- Last Visit Date/Time - The date and time when the webpage was last visited.
- Search URL - The URL that was invoked because of the search.
- Term - The keyword that was searched.
- Page Title - The title of the invoked webpage.
- Visit Count - The number of times that the user accessed the URL.
Torch Shortcuts Artifact
This artifact contains the shortcuts from Torch web
browser. The details you can view include:
- Last Access Date/Time - The last access date and time of the webpage.
- URL - The URL of the shortcut.
- Search Term - The search term as interpreted by the browser.
- Original Search Query - The original search query entered by the user.
- Web Page Title - The title of the webpage.
- Transition - Describes the cause of the navigation to the desired URL.
- Hits - Hits of the shortcut.
- Type - Shortcut type.
Torch Browser Site Engagement Artifact
This artifact stores information on the user
interaction with site. The details you can view include:
- Last Engagement Date/Time - The last date and time a user engaged with the webpage.
- Last ShortcutLaunch Date/Time - The last date and time user has launched the site through
- Last Modified Date/Time - The last date and time data was modified.
- Website URL - The URL of website visited.
- Raw Score - The score based on activity and usage.
Torch Top Sites Artifact
This artifact stores information about a user’s most
frequently visited web pages such as:
- Last Update Date/Time - The last update date and time.
- URL - The URL to the webpage.
- Title - The title of the webpage.
- URL Rank - Indicates the order of the most visited webpage.
- At Top - At top.
- Redirects - Displays the redirection URL which contains the frequently used file path and
Torch Visits Artifact
This artifact contains information of all visit dates with
their URLs. The details you can view include:
- Visit Date/Time - The date and time when the webpage is visited.
- Visit URL - The URL of the visited webpage.
- Visit Title - The title of the visited webpage.
- Visit Duration - Visit Duration in Milliseconds.
- Transition - Describes how the browser navigated to this URL.
- Source URL - The source URL.
- Source Title - The source title.
- Segment Name - The segment name.
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