Blog >> iOS Safari Browser

Investigating iOS Safari Browser

14/06/2024 Friday

One of the key applications on iOS devices is Safari. Safari is the default web browser in iOS and macOS. This blog will explore the forensic value of Safari artifacts, including their locations and data structures. It will provide insights into how this information can be used in digital investigations and how we can analyze those artifacts using ArtiFast.

Digital Forensics Value of iOS Safari Browser Artifacts

One of the major sources of evidence in digital forensics is Web application activities. Internet browsers in general and Safari browser can be a very rich source. Safari on iOS devices stores data that can be of significant forensic value. These artifacts can reveal a user's web browsing history, search queries, bookmarks, and more. By analyzing these artifacts, forensic investigators can gain insights into the user's online activities, which can be critical in cases involving cybercrimes, fraud, or even personal disputes. The data extracted from Safari can help build a timeline of user actions, identify visited websites, and uncover potential evidence of malicious or suspicious behavior.deletion.

Location and Structure of iOS Safari Browser Artifacts

iOS Safari browser artifact can be found at the following location:
/private/var/ mobile/Library/Safari/SafariTabs.db
/private/var /mobile/Library/Caches/
/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/<App_GUID>/Library/Image Cache/Favicons/Favicons.db
/private/var/ mobile/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.db

Analyzing iOS Safari Browser Artifacts with ArtiFast

This section will discuss how to use ArtiFast to extract iOS Safari Browser artifacts from iOS devices and what kind of digital forensics insight we can gain from the artifact.

After you have created your case and added evidence for the investigation, at the Artifact Selection phase, you can select iOS Safari Browser artifacts:

Once ArtiFast parser plugins complete processing the artifact for analysis, it can be reviewed via “Artifact View” or “Timeline View,” with indexing, filtering, and searching capabilities. Below is a detailed description of the iOS Safari Browser artifacts in ArtiFast.

iOS Safari Browser Artifacts
The artifact contains information related to iOS Safari Browser. The details you can view include:

iOS Safari Browser Cookies:

iOS Safari Browser FavIcons:

iOS Safari Browser History Items:

iOS Safari Browser History Visits:

iOS Safari Browser Bookmarks:

iOS Safari Browser Cache:

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