Blog >> Magnet Virtual Summit 2024 CTF (Cipher)

Solving Magnet Virtual Summit 2024 CTF (iOS)

20/03/2024 Tuesday

The Magnet Capture The Flag event was held from February 27th to March 7th as part of their Virtual Summit. The CTF questions were divided into three groups, iOS, Android & Ciphers. This is part 2 of 3 the Cipher section of the challenge.

Why did the bicycle fall over? It was tired of all the ROTation! (5 points)

Q: rfgq ayl lmr zc rfgq qgknjc

Answer: "this cannot be this simple" after 24 rotations Ceaser Cipher.

Have you ever tried reading the alphabet in reverse? (5 points)

Q: Ru lmob dv xlfow gfim yzxp grnv

Answer: "If only we could turn back time" decoded with Mirror Cipher

The train joke I wrote didnt gain any traction—it went off the RAIL! (5 points)


Answer: "MOBILE FORENSICS IS FUN" decoded with Rail Fence Cipher after 5 rails

VIGorous ENcrypting? Embrace the Riddle's Essence, it's "essential"! (10 points)

Q: QshprMzepw

Answer: "mapletrees" decoded with Vigenère cipher with the keyword "essential"

BASH these ROTten criminals (10 points)

Q: rj vuzcj n mncczza

Answer: "we stole a balloon". The hint BASH referred to AtBash Cipher which gave another ciphertext iq efaxq m nmxxaaz ROT10 was then used to decode and get the answer.

What is your favorite SHAKESPEARE play? (10 points)

Q: lv bo sj cst ks tl, trel xw tyi ibecxadr

Answer: "to be or not to be, that is the question" decoded with Vigenère cipher with the keyword "SHAKESPEARE"

Giovan Battista Bellaso probably LOVED pigs (10 points)


Answer: "PIGSARETRULYAMAZINGANIMALS" The image above is a pigpen cipher, using an online decoder the second ciphertext is revealed to be AWBWDCSOVXWMVQDKWIKDYWHEOD. After an initial attempt of Bellaso cipher with the keyword LOVED, it did not return a logical string. A google search for Giovan Battista Bellaso revealed his association with the Vigenère cipher. Using the Vigenère cipher with the key LOVED gave the answer.