Investigating Android MeWe
21/03/2025 Friday
MeWe is a social media platform founded in 2012 that emphasizes user
control over content and data. Among its alternatives, it focuses on
user privacy by being an ad-free app and avoids using algorithms to
influence the posts users see. MeWe offers features like groups, chat
functionalities, and cloud storage, with a focus on providing a secure
and user-friendly social networking experience.
Digital Forensics Values of Android MeWe
Nowadays, social media apps are a part of almost everyone’s life. This
highlights the forensic value of the Android MeWe social media app. The
application can attract many users, particularly those with
unconventional ideas, as it prioritizes user privacy. The parsers below
show that important information can be retrieved from its left-behind
artifacts, such as users' text message contents, attachment information,
post contents, and more. All this information can help forensic experts
analyze the behaviors of individuals and reconstruct events and
Location of Android MeWe
Android MeWe artifact can be found at the following locations:
Analyzing Android MeWe Artifacts with ArtiFast
This section will discuss how to use ArtiFast to extract Android MeWe
artifacts from Android devices’ files and what kind of digital forensics
insights we can gain from the artifact.
After you have created your case and added evidence for the
investigation, at the Artifact Selection phase, you can select Android
MeWe artifact parser:
Once ArtiFast parsers plugins complete processing the artifact for
analysis, it can be reviewed via “Artifact View” or “Timeline View,”
with indexing, filtering, and searching capabilities. Below is a
detailed description of Android MeWe artifacts in ArtiFast.
Android MeWe Text Messages
- Message Content: The content of this message.
- Message Sent Date/Time: Message Sending Date/Time.
- Sender Name: The Name of the message sender.
- Sender ID: The ID of the message sender.
Chat Type: Indicates whether this chat is a group or an
individual conversation.
- Chat ID: The chat ID.
Message Direction: Indicates whether this is an outgoing or
incoming message.
Is Deleted: Indicates Whether this message has been deleted
from the user's device or not.
Android MeWe Attachments
- Attachment ID: Attachment ID.
- Attachment URL: Attachment URL.
- Attachment Name: Attachment name.
- Attachment Type: Attachment type.
- Message Sent Date/Time: Message Sending Date/Time.
- Sender Name: The Name of the message sender.
- Sender ID: The ID of the message sender.
Chat Type: Indicates whether this chat is a group or an
individual conversation.
- Chat ID: The chat ID.
Message Direction: Indicates whether this is an outgoing or
incoming message.
Is Deleted: Indicates Whether this message has been deleted
from the user's device or not.
Android MeWe Chats
Chat Type: Indicates whether this chat is a group or an
individual conversation.
- Chat ID: The chat ID.
- Chat Name: The chat name.
Last Message ID: The ID of the last message sent in this chat.
Last Message Content: The text content of the last message sent
in this chat.
Last Message Sent Date/Time: The last Message Sending
- Last Message Type: The last message type.
- Participant IDs: The IDs of this chat’s participants.
- Creator ID: Creator Participant ID.
Android MeWe Account Information
Primary Email Address: The primary email address of the account
- User ID: The user Unique Identifier.
- Avatar URL: The avatar URL.
- First Name: This user's first name.
- Last Name: This user's last name.
Email Addresses: The email addresses registered by this account
Phone Number: The phone number associated with this contact.
- User Name: The account’s user name.
Android MeWe Comments
Comment Date/Time: The date/time when this comment has been
published on MeWe.
- Comment Text Content: The text content of this comment.
- Commenter ID: The Commenter's unique identifier.
- Commenter Name: The Commenter name.
- Commenter User Name: The Commenter user name.
Group ID: The group ID where this comment has been published.
Post ID: The post ID where this comment has been published.
Attached Picture URL: The URL of the picture attached to this
- Attached Link: The link attached to this comment.
Attached Link Title: The title of the link attached to this
Attached Link Description: The description of the link attached
to this comment.
Android MeWe Posts
Post Date/Time: The date/time when this post has been published
on MeWe.
- Post Text Content: The text content of this post.
- Owner ID: The owner’s unique identifier.
- Owner Name: The owner’s name.
- Owner User Name: The owner’s user name.
Group ID: The group ID where this comment has been published.
Group Name: The group name where this comment has been
Post ID: The post ID where this comment has been published.
- Attached Link: The link attached to this comment.
Attached Link Title: The title of the link attached to this
Attached Link Description: The description of the link attached
to this comment.
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