Investigating Android Nike Run Club
20/09/2024 Friday
The Nike Run Club app is a sports application that offers various
features for tracking athletic activities. Nike Run Club, with over 10
million downloads on the Google Play Store, is designed to help athletes
prepare for competitions by combining virtual personal training and
social networking. Users can connect with friends through the club
feature, creating a small community where they can participate in
challenges, compete with one another, and work together to improve their
fitness levels.
Digital Forensics Value of Android Nike Run Club
Fitness applications that track precise GPS coordinates and timestamps,
can offer valuable data by documenting the device's location at specific
times. This can help determine whether the device bearer was at a
particular place during a given timeframe. Furthermore, metrics like
heart rate can indicate activity levels, which are crucial in criminal
cases. Data from sports and health applications has proven highly
significant in forensic investigations, particularly in several murder
cases, as demonstrated by multiple case studies.
Location of Android Nike Run Club Artifacts
Android Nike Run Club artifacts can be found at the following
Analyzing Android Nike Run Club Artifacts with ArtiFast
This section will discuss how to use ArtiFast to extract Android Nike
Run Club artifact from Android devices' files and what kind of digital
forensics insights we can gain from the artifact.
After you have created your case and added evidence for the
investigation, at the Artifact Selection phase, you can select Android
Nike Run Club artifact parsers:
Once ArtiFast parsers plugins complete processing the artifact for
analysis, it can be reviewed via “Artifact View” or “Timeline View,”
with indexing, filtering, and searching capabilities. Below is a
detailed description of Android Nike Run Club artifact in ArtiFast.
Android Nike Run Club Local User Account
- Time: The date and time the profile was last updated.
- First Name: The local user’s first name.
- Last Name: The local user’s last name.
- Local User ID: The unique ID of the local user.
- Screen Name: The screen name of the local user.
- Avatar URL: The URL of the user profile picture.
- Display Name: The display name of the local user.
Android Nike Run Club Achievements
- Time: The date and time the achievement was awarded.
- Achievement Title: The title of the achievement.
- Achievement Subtitle: The subtitle of the achievement.
Achievement Description: The description of the achievement.
Awarded Count: The number of times the achievement was awarded.
Android Nike Run Club Challenges
Time: The date and time the local user joined the challenge.
Creation Time/Date: The date and time the challenge was
- Start Date: The date when the challenge starts.
- End Date: The date when the challenge ends.
- Member State: Indicates the state of the local user.
Participation Count: The last update of the challenge
participants count.
- Challenge Name: The name of the challenge.
- Challenge Details: The description of the challenge.
- Creator: The name of the challenge creator.
- Target Value: The description of the challenge.
Last Sync Time/Date: The date and time the challenge was last
synced in the device.
- Goal Type: Indicates the type of challenge.
Member Value: Indicates the score of the local user in the
- Challenge State: Indicates the state of the challenge.
Android Nike Run Club Cookies
- Time: The date and time the cookie was created.
- Path: The path of the cookie value.
Access Date/Time: The date and time the cookie was last
- Value: The value of the cookie.
- Host: The domain of the cookie.
- Name: The name of the cookie.
Expiration Time: The date and time when the cookie expires.
- Is Httponly: Indicates whether the cookie is http only.
Android Nike Run Club Recent Activity
- Time: The date and time when the activity started.
- End Date/Time: The date when the activity ends.
- Distance (Kilometers): The total distance of the run.
Est. Calories: The estimated number of calories burned during
the activity.
- Activity Name: The name of the activity.
Elevation Loss (m): The sum of every loss (descent) in
elevation throughout the activity.
Elevation Gain (m): The sum of every gain (ascent) in elevation
throughout the activity.
Steps Taken: The number of steps taken during the activity.
- Activity Duration: The duration of the activity.
Avg. Cadence: The mean of the total steps taken per minute.
Location: Indicates the location of the activity
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